Finally! A relief from your body’s ‘silent screaming’...

How 1000s Of Women Are Healing Chronic Illnesses Like Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, Lyme Disease, Autoimmune, Chronic Fatigue & Anxiety By ‘Regulating Their Own Nervous System’

New technique for purging your nervous system of pent-up trauma and toxicity gives people the power to heal themselves.

This is a Picture of me 5 Years Ago

I was addicted to drugs and alcohol…

I had a bad habit of partying all the time…

I later got diagnosed with hepatitis A Developed Chronic Mold Toxicity, MCAS

And This is a Picture of Me Now...

A completely new, healthier, happier, and more confident version of myself.

I feel incredible now.

I no longer feel disconnected from my body.

I’m able to feel my old self again after 5 years of suffering.

I’m able to enjoy stillness and love being alone.

I’m able to sleep incredibly and eat whatever I want without reactions.

This Would Never Have Happened if I Wouldn’t Discover a Way to Heal Myself

And it wasn’t easy

It took me 5 years trying to reclaim my health.

And I spent over $100,000 in tests, doctors, supplements, and biohacks, trying to heal...

But all I got in return was more confusion and despair.

I was exhausted, frustrated, and also hopeless...

And I've tried literally everything to get my life back...

But nothing seemed to work.

I even turned to prednisone so I could get some kind of relief...

But what that did was make things even worse...

Because it sent me into years of steroid withdrawal hell.

So, after years of trying every “mainstream” solution out there and getting nothing but

I realized something...

The physical stuff are NOT working

The functional medicine does NOT work

The biohacking is NOT working

So, I had no choice but start my own journey to find true healing...

Trying to find the answer to...

Why Was I Suffering From “Mystery Illnesses” & Couldn’t Heal No Matter What

If you’ve been diagnosed with “something” along the lines of...

Autoimmune disorder...

Chronic pain...


Mold Toxicity…

Or MS.

And all what the doctor told you was:

“Your bloodwork is normal”

“Everything looks fine to me.”

“Are you sure you’re not just depressed?”

I get it.

I got the same “treatment” when I was grappling with debilitating allergies and steroid withdrawal.

And even though these diagnoses are legitimate...

They truth is, modern medicine and mainstream solutions like detox, fad diets, prescriptions and fasts only offer a band-aid fix.

That's why I dedicated over a decade looking for the answer that will restore my vitality.

Here’s What I’ve Found After 5 Years of Searching & Spending $100k Trying to Heal Myself...

There are 2 main reasons why body isn't recovering:

And it makes perfect sense taking pills, detoxing or acupuncture fail to help you heal...

And why your body is responding this way.


Unresolved trauma left in your nervous system

The trauma you experienced in your life has cause the stress the remain stuck in your nervous system.


Constant stress has crippled your body's self-healing mechanisms

The stress chemicals down regulated your immune system and made your body less able to heal itself.

And There are 1000s of Studies Linking Stress to:

Disrupting Adrenal Function

Electrolytes Imbalance



body metabolism

Thyroid Health

Chronic stress wreaks havoc on the body, disrupting your essential functions and creating a cascade of physiological imbalances that make us sick.

Every “Mystery Illness” or “Medical Diagnosis” is Linked to Long-Term Stress

That’s the main reason why most mainstream solutions ONLY mask our symptoms rather than fixing the root cause.

No number of pills or detox is going to release all this stress and unclog your nervous system.

When the body lives in stress mode for longer than it should...

The cortisol from stress affects everything else downstream...

Affecting the body’s biological processes like your electrolytes, hormones, minerals, emotions, even the immune system are affected...

And treating these symptoms individually isn’t the answer.

Sure, you might feel better for a few weeks...

But in the long run, your nervous system will still be jammed and “clogged” with an overwhelming amount of stress.

I know this because I discovered I had 30 years of stress stuck in my nervous system.

Your Nervous System is Your Body's Command Center

The nervous system is like a superhighway in your body, connecting your brain to everything else.

Traumatic or difficult experiences can shock the nervous system into a stressed state.

If we don't know how to process and release these emotions...

Our body can remain stuck in a stress response.

Think of this like revving your car fully while you’re in park.

Do that for long enough and your car breaks down.

And unfortunately, research shows that most disorders people have are linked to stress.

The American Institute of Stress states that...

"75% to 90% of all visits to primary care physicians are for stress-related complaints or disorders."

If You Want to Start Your Healing Journey...

Begin by Purging All the Toxic Stress

That’s Been Sabotaging Your Health

The “secret” method I found that helped me and 100s of other women to heal from these mystery illnesses and autoimmune diseases…

Is nervous system regulation.

And this is not something that will temporarily make you feel good...

This will make you feel more alive than ever before.

Because when you regulate your nervous system and clear all the stress that's been weighing you down...

You’re not just addressing the physical or emotional “symptoms” like depression, anxiety, fatigue, inflammation…

You’re also giving your body the strength to heal itself.

Just like...

"I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with Amanda, to say I was pleased in working with her is an understatement, she is so easy to talk to. You can just tell that she genuinely cares, and her knowledge and love for the science is amazing. Amanda is excellent at explaining the connection between the labs and how your body is presenting with symptoms."


"I feel extremely grateful to have stumbled upon this absolute goldmine of techniques that has allowed me to regain my sense of peace. Priceless. THANK YOU, AMANDA! I am so grateful you've gifted me access to your courses. They are worth their weight in gold."


"I have loved working with Amanda. Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable in multiple areas of mental and physical health, she is very down to earth and relatable. It's rare to find a combination of someone with such extensive training in mental health and chronic illness. She helps tie together all the pieces and understands the complexities of how systems and experiences are interconnected."


When We Reduce the Stress in Our Body —

Every Biological Function Will Start to Improve...

This 5-Step “Sensation” Method

Removes Stress & Promotes Safety in the Body

Instead of a “top down” approach where we try to watch the contents of the mind...

I use a “bottom up” approach and work directly with the sensations in the body.

Here’s the exact 5 step process:


We choose a stressful experience we want to work with.


We explore the experience using all of our senses, how does this make us feel, what emotions come up, what thoughts come up.


We use a certain type of self-massage to calm the nervous system down by giving ourselves a soothing touch.


We use methods to process this stress, like humming, counting backwards from a difficult number, or bilateral eye therapy.


We then choose what specifically do we want to feel, think, and what sensations do we want in our body.

Once You Purge All the Toxic Stress in Your System, You’ll ALLOW Your Body to Finally Start Healing...

When we make the body safe again, on a biological level…

The accumulated stress in your body will immediately start to disappear

Which will instantly improve the adrenals, electrolytes, digestion, mood, thyroid.

By reducing stress and cortisol in this way...

Our biological functions will start working more efficiently, and your body can begin to heal itself and maintain optimal functioning.

This will help your body:

Fight off infections without being severely debilitated

Digest food better

Detox more effectively

Reduce toxin impact

Eliminate anxiety & depression

Diminish any chronic pain

In other words, you start getting better.

It’s like putting down this bag full of rocks for the first time after carrying it for 10 years.

This Process Helped Me Heal From

Chronic Mold Toxicity & MCAS…

Hi, I’m Amanda Panacea.

I’m a Licensed Mental Health Counselor with over 13 years of experiences. I have two masters, and a healer specializing in mystery illnesses and autoimmune diseases...

And I made it my life’s work to help people recover from chronic health conditions.

I’ve worked with 1000s of people of the past 5 years helping them overcome severe chronic conditions like autoimmune disorders, chronic Lyme, and fibromyalgia.

The reason I’ve been able to help so many people is because I discovered that the most effective way to help women heal...

Is by regulating the nervous system and to purge toxic stress. Before I started to work with others...

I practiced everything I shared with you today...

And because of it I now feel incredible! I’m feeling healthier, happier, and more confident than I ever have.

And I want to help as many people as possible to feel the same.

I’ve Helped 1000s of Clients from All Walks of Life Heal From MS, Lyme, Mold Toxicity, Chronic Fatigue & Fibromyalgia to Name a Few...

"I am so grateful I had the opportunity to work with Amanda, to say I was pleased in working with her is an understatement, she is so easy to talk to. You can just tell that she genuinely cares, and her knowledge and love for the science is amazing. Amanda is excellent at explaining the connection between the labs and how your body is presenting with symptoms."


"I feel extremely grateful to have stumbled upon this absolute goldmine of techniques that has allowed me to regain my sense of peace. Priceless. THANK YOU, AMANDA! I am so grateful you've gifted me access to your courses. They are worth their weight in gold."


"I have loved working with Amanda. Not only is she incredibly knowledgeable in multiple areas of mental and physical health, she is very down to earth and relatable. It's rare to find a combination of someone with such extensive training in mental health and chronic illness. She helps tie together all the pieces and understands the complexities of how systems and experiences are interconnected."


Everyone who comes to me is different.

And because I’ve seen this work time and time again...

I decided to bring this science-backed approach that actually works directly to you...

So, you can finally break free from the prison of chronic illness.


Put an End to Chronic Mysterious Pains & Fatigue by Learning How to Release Toxic Stress & Heal Your Nervous System... So, You Can Go from Pain to Feeling Incredible

Go through an entire library of guided, step-by-step awareness lessons, soothing exercises and reprogramming tools that will help you regulate your own nervous system and give your body the ability to heal itself.

Teach Your Body How to Heal Itself with by Following This Science Backed 5-Step “Approach” Stress Remover

The 5 Channels of Awareness

Unlock the power of your mind, body, and spirit with the 5 Channels of Awareness, a revolutionary framework for understanding and harmonizing your inner world. By exploring your thoughts, imagination, movement, emotions, and sensations, you'll gain a profound sense of self-awareness and the tools to create lasting, positive change in your life.

“Reprogram to Heal” Video Lessons

Embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing with these immersive video lessons designed to help you reprogram limiting beliefs and patterns. Unlock your inner potential and learn to harness the power of your mind-body connection for profound personal growth and well-being.

Self Soothing Exercises & Activities

Cultivate a profound sense of inner peace and emotional resilience with our carefully curated collection of self-soothing exercises and activities. These practices will help you navigate life's challenges with grace, while providing you with a sanctuary of calm and tranquility amidst the chaos.

What’s Inside:

Module 1: Foundations and Introduction

Explore the transformative power of short-term mindfulness meditation and its impact on attention, cognitive processing, and overall well-being. Create a personalized well-being plan incorporating stress management techniques, optimal light exposure, healthy habit formation, and realistic goal-setting for lasting benefits.

What you'll learn:

  1. The science behind mindfulness meditation's benefits for attention and cognitive processing

  2. Creating a tailored well-being plan with stress management techniques and healthy habits

  3. Optimizing light exposure for improved mood and sleep quality

  4. Setting realistic, achievable goals to stay motivated and engaged

  5. Effective strategies for building and maintaining healthy habits

  6. The power of weekly progress monitoring for accountability and staying on track

  7. Practical tips for integrating mindfulness practices into your daily routine

  8. Harnessing the benefits of mindfulness for managing chronic diseases

Module 2: Awareness Without Judgement

Understand how your physical body processes life experiences and learn to observe without judgment. Explore a chosen emotion or issue, gain deeper insights, and develop powerful tools for increasing self-awareness, identifying patterns and triggers, and processing emotions effectively through the five channels of awareness.

What you'll learn:

  1. Understanding your body's response to life experiences and the importance of non-judgmental observation

  2. Techniques for exploring emotions deeply without feeling overwhelmed

  3. Proven strategies for enhancing self-awareness and understanding emotional root causes

  4. Identifying and managing patterns and triggers related to your emotions and issues

  5. The five channels of awareness and their role in developing intuition and processing emotions

  6. Processing emotions in a healthy, constructive manner without judgment

  7. Choosing a specific emotion or issue to work on and differentiating between various emotions

  8. The amygdala depotentiation technique for effectively addressing and managing emotions

Module 3: Soothing

Discover effective strategies for managing and alleviating specific emotions or issues, promoting emotional well-being. Learn self-soothing techniques, relaxation exercises, and mindfulness practices that cultivate inner calm, reduce stress, and induce deep relaxation through psychosensory techniques and brain retraining.

What you'll learn:

  1. Proven strategies for managing emotions and promoting emotional well-being

  2. Self-soothing techniques for cultivating inner calm and comfort during distress

  3. Relaxation exercises and mindfulness practices for stress reduction and tranquility

  4. The psychosensory technique of gentle petting for inducing deep relaxation

  5. Brain retraining techniques like humming, lateral head movements, and counting backwards

  6. The concept of pendulation and navigating between discomfort and comfort

  7. Engaging in body-based activities and guided visualizations for brain retraining

  8. Returning to a state of safety and gratitude after experiencing discomfort

Module 4: Desensitize

Explore methods for recognizing and breaking negative thought patterns, reprogramming the mind, and creating new neural pathways. Engage in guided exercises and visualizations to delink negative emotions, disrupt negative thought-emotion associations, and manifest positive feelings through brain wave manipulation and cognitive restructuring.

What you'll learn:

  1. Recognizing and breaking negative thought patterns impacting emotional well-being

  2. Reprogramming the mind and creating new neural pathways for cognitive restructuring

  3. Guided exercises and visualizations to delink negative emotions effectively

  4. Techniques like havening, counting, humming, and eye movement to disrupt negative associations

  5. Activating different parts of the brain to delink fight or flight responses from negative memories

  6. Using visualization to envision desired future states and manifest positive feelings

  7. Understanding brain wave frequencies and their role in emotional regulation

  8. Harnessing brain wave manipulation for delinking and cognitive restructuring

Module 5: Reprogramming & Visualizing

Recognize the power of choice in determining your emotional state and identity, and learn about neuroplasticity's role in creating new neural pathways. Utilize the five channels of awareness to envision your desired reality, practice visualization exercises, and explore the role of empowering beliefs in manifestation and creation.

What you'll learn:

  1. The power of choice in determining your emotional state and identity

  2. Neuroplasticity's role in creating new neural pathways for lasting change

  3. Utilizing the five channels of awareness to envision your desired reality

  4. Effective visualization techniques to reinforce positive beliefs and behaviors

  5. The concept of rehearsing success through visualization and its applications

  6. Shifting from anxiety to confidence to positively influence outcomes

  7. The role of empowering beliefs in manifestation and shaping your reality

  8. Using journal prompts for self-reflection, identifying blocks, and overcoming them

Module 6: Integration and Next Steps

Receive guidance on integrating your new mindset and behaviors into daily life, emphasizing consistency and practice for maintaining progress. Learn to set achievable goals, prevent relapses, and embrace a mindset of living as if your desired reality is already true, while practicing mindfulness and self-awareness for self-discovery and empowerment.

What you'll learn:

  1. Effective strategies for integrating your new mindset and behaviors into daily life

  2. Tools and techniques for staying on track, preventing relapses, and identifying triggers

  3. Setting achievable goals and moving forward with a positive, empowered mindset

  4. Living as if your desired reality is true, embodying the feelings and behaviors of success

  5. Incorporating mindfulness practices throughout the day using the five channels of awareness

  6. How mindfulness and self-awareness lead to self-discovery, empowerment, and pursuing desires

  7. Improving intuition and self-trust for effective communication and boundary-setting

  8. Embracing your journey of personal growth and transformation with confidence and resilience

Join 100s of Pain Free Women Who Managed to Restore Their Health 100%

Join Today & Get $3500 Worth of Tools, Advanced Techniques & Guides

Bonus #1 Digital Journal

Gain access to a powerful digital journal designed to help you track your progress, reflect on your experiences, and gain deeper insights into your healing journey. This invaluable tool will keep you motivated, accountable, and focused on your goals as you navigate through the program and beyond.

Bonus #2 Guided Sessions of The Full 5 Step Process in Different Ways

Experience the transformative power of the full 5-step process through a variety of guided sessions tailored to different learning styles and preferences. These sessions will help you internalize the techniques and apply them to various situations, ensuring that you can effectively utilize the tools you learn in real-life scenarios.

Bonus #3 Additional Daily Techniques Toolbox

Expand your repertoire of healing techniques with this comprehensive toolbox of additional daily practices. These proven strategies will help you maintain your progress, overcome obstacles, and continue to cultivate a sense of inner peace and resilience in your everyday life.

Bonus #4 Advanced Techniques:
Somatic Tension Release Exercises

Somatic Tension Release Exercises Dive deeper into your healing journey with advanced somatic tension release exercises designed to help you release stored stress and trauma from your body. These powerful techniques will enable you to experience a greater sense of physical and emotional freedom, enhancing your overall well-being and quality of life.

Bonus #5 Advanced Techniques: Trauma Release Exercises

Trauma Release Exercises Take your healing to the next level with advanced trauma release exercises that target the root causes of your emotional and physical challenges. These transformative practices will help you release deep-seated traumas, break free from limiting patterns, and experience profound shifts in your personal growth and self-discovery.

Bonus #6 Mineral Balancing Guide

How Stress Is Depleting Your Minerals Discover the crucial role that mineral balance plays in your overall health and well-being with this eye-opening guide. Learn how stress can deplete your body's essential minerals and gain practical strategies for restoring balance, optimizing your nutrition, and supporting your body's natural healing processes.

30-Day Money Back Guarantee

Full 30 Days to Try Everything Out Risk-Free

I’m so confident that Feel To Heal will help you forever change your life that I’m willing to take all the risk. That’s why I’m going to let you test out each and every powerful strategy inside the program...

And if it by the end of 30 days you feel like there’s no difference... Or you simply found that this approach isn't for you...Then all you have to do is send me an email and I'll see to it that you get every penny back - no questions asked. When I created this program, I wanted to make sure that you have nothing to lose.

Overcome Stress, Trauma, and Chronic Disease by Tapping into Your Body's Natural Healing Potential

  • Lifetime Access to The Healer Revolution

  • Bonus #1 Digital Journal

  • Bonus #2 Guided Sessions of The Full 5 Step Process in Different Ways

  • Bonus #3 Additional Daily Techniques Toolbox

  • Bonus #4 Somatic Tension Release Exercises

  • Bonus #5 Trauma Release Exercises

  • Bonus #6 Mineral Balancing Guide

Normal Price: $3,500

Today’s Price:


Your Body Is Waiting for You to Take the First Step —

Don't Keep It Waiting

Your body has an incredible capacity to heal, but it needs your help to get started. By taking the first step and committing to your healing journey, you're sending a powerful message to your body that you're ready to support its natural healing processes.

Don't keep your body waiting any longer - take action now and give it the tools and resources it needs to start repairing, regenerating, and thriving.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What exactly is the Feel to Heal program?

The Feel to Heal program is a comprehensive, science-backed approach to help you regulate your nervous system, release stored stress and trauma, and promote deep, lasting healing from chronic health issues.

2. Who is this program designed for?

This program is designed for women who have tried various health solutions like supplements, detoxes, and alternative therapies, but still struggle with chronic health issues, stress, and trauma-related symptoms.

3. How is this program different from other health programs or therapies?

Unlike many other programs that focus on treating symptoms, this program addresses the root cause of chronic health issues by targeting the nervous system and promoting mind-body healing through a unique combination of somatic techniques, brain retraining, and emotional processing tools.

4. What kind of results can I expect from this program?

Participants in this program have reported significant improvements in their chronic symptoms, increased resilience to stress, better emotional regulation, and an overall sense of greater well-being and vitality.

5. Do I need any special equipment or prior experience to participate in this program?

No special equipment or prior experience is necessary. All you need is a commitment to your healing journey and a willingness to engage with the materials and exercises provided in the program.

6. How long does it take to complete the program?

The program is designed to be self-paced, allowing you to work through the modules and exercises at a speed that feels comfortable for you. Most participants find that they can complete the core program within 6-8 weeks, but you'll have lifetime access to the materials for ongoing support.

7. What if I have questions or need support during the program?

As a participant in the program, you'll have access to a private community forum where you can connect with other participants, share your experiences, and receive support and guidance from the program creator and trained facilitators.

8. Is this program suitable for someone with a diagnosed mental health condition?

While this program can be a powerful complementary tool for those with diagnosed mental health conditions, it is not intended to replace professional medical or psychiatric care. If you have a diagnosed condition, please consult with your healthcare provider before starting this or any other new program.

9. Can I do this program alongside other therapies or treatments?

Yes, this program is designed to be complementary to other therapies and treatments. Many participants find that the tools and techniques they learn in this program enhance the effectiveness of other modalities they are using.

10. Is the program backed by scientific research?

Yes, the techniques and approaches used in this program are grounded in the latest research from the fields of neuroscience, psychology, and trauma healing, including polyvagal theory, somatic experiencing, and mindfulness-based interventions.

11. How is the program content delivered?

The program content is delivered through a mix of video lessons, audio guides, written materials, and experiential exercises, all hosted on a private, easy-to-use online platform that you can access from any device with an internet connection.

12. What if I don't have much time to devote to the program each week?

The program is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your schedule. Even devoting just 15-20 minutes a day to the practices and exercises can yield significant benefits over time. The key is consistency and commitment.

13. Can I access the program materials after I complete the course?

Yes, you'll have lifetime access to all the program materials, so you can revisit them whenever you need a refresher or additional support.

14. What if I'm not satisfied with the program?

The program comes with a 30-day, 100% money-back guarantee. If you're not completely satisfied with your experience, simply reach out within the first 30 days for a full refund, no questions asked.

15. Will I receive any physical materials as part of the program?

The program is entirely digital, which allows for instant access and easy updates. However, you will have the option to download and print any worksheets or other materials you'd like to have in physical form.

16. Is my payment information secure?

Yes, all payments are processed through a secure, encrypted system to ensure the safety and privacy of your financial information.

17. Can I share my program access with a friend or family member?

While you're welcome to share your learnings and experiences with others, each program purchase is intended for a single user. If you have a friend or family member who you think could benefit from the program, please encourage them to enroll separately.

18. How often is the program updated?

The core program content is designed to be evergreen, meaning it will remain relevant and effective over time. However, the creator is committed to staying current with the latest research and may periodically add new resources or bonus materials to enhance your learning experience.

19. What kind of support is available after I complete the program?

As a graduate of the program, you'll have ongoing access to the private community forum, where you can continue to connect with other participants and receive support and guidance as needed. You'll also have the option to join advanced workshops or masterminds for continued growth and learning.

20. How do I know if this program is right for me?

If you're a woman who has struggled with chronic health issues, stress, and trauma-related symptoms despite trying various other approaches, and you're ready to take a deep dive into healing your nervous system and transforming your mind-body health, this program is likely a great fit for you. The 30-day money-back guarantee also allows you to try the program risk-free and see for yourself if it resonates with your needs and goals.

Copyright Feel to Heal 2024 | All Rights Reserved